Saturday, December 26, 2009

some .movs

Here are some short clips because I previously had no idea you could upload video to blogspot. I'm a genius. :/


Anonymous said...

the first one looks really cool

Black Birds of Rye said...

I think you're doing a really good job with these. The animation looks fluid and the first one since it looks most of the way finished, looks really legit. =D

MSK said...

Nice work lady poo :D

Lulu said...

oh my god. The animation looks gorgeous for all of them. The first one is my favorite.

Kastanja said...

:( "currently not available"
dang ... i missed it.

Shiro said...

Yeah, the videos aren't available for me, either. :(

blubloodrazberry said...

these are great! how did you animate these? they look so fluid and clean